I’m so delighted to be offering a taster workshop at this amazing conference in June. Top of the bill is world trauma expert and best-selling author Dr Gabor Maté! Sadly tickets for Saturday 15th June when he’s speaking are sold…
I’m so delighted to be offering a taster workshop at this amazing conference in June. Top of the bill is world trauma expert and best-selling author Dr Gabor Maté! Sadly tickets for Saturday 15th June when he’s speaking are sold…
“IFS gives us the tools traditional meditative paths often don’t. It’s the “how” of how to deal with the “monkey mind.” It’ a non-demonizing, non-pathologizing, non-bypassing path to radical Self love, healing, transformation, and compassion for all your many “parts.”…
I’m just back from a month in Guatemala, a mixture of traveling, training and facilitating workshops. I return with wonderful new tools to integrate into my practice, plus wonderful memories of a powerful and impactful trip – one that I…
This interesting blog post about sexual identity caught my eye: Omnisexual, gynosexual, demisexual: What’s behind the surge in sexual identities? https://qz.com/1230638/omnisexual-gynosexual-demisexual-whats-behind-the-surge-in-sexual-identities/ So I thought it would be interesting also to share this post on the issue of Sexual Identity and…
Booking is now open for a 3-week Identity Constellations Closed Group in St Albans with a Focus on Parenting Taking place on 3 consecutive Monday mornings: 16, 23 & 30 APRIL 2018 9.30AM – 1.30 PM near Westminster Lodge ONLY…
On Saturday 17th March 2018 I’ll be offering a short self-hypnosis workshop at the Happy Teens Wellbeing day in St Albans. “A must for anyone who has, works with, or is a teenager!” There’s an amazing line-up…
A colleague recently sent me a link to this excellent blog post written by Jonathon Tomlinson, a practicing NHS GP in London. Its so good, I’m re-blogging it here. The article is a worthwhile read, which traces his path to…
What’s the difference? An Identity Constellations workshop may at first appear very similar to Family Constellations, with a client, facilitator and representatives working together in circle, moving and conversing as they feel into what is present. However there are many…
A brief brush with group therapy in my 20s after a friend’s suicide was frankly horrible. It was uncomfortable enough to be expected to discuss my emotions with a group of total strangers, but then became traumatic when one of…
The evidence against repressing difficult emotions keeps on stacking up… A fascinating piece on 25th April edition of Radio 4’s mental health magazine programme ‘All In The Mind’ about a new study that shows once more that simply writing about…