
crisis-1538225-640x480Hypnotherapy is especially suitable for teenagers (age 11+).  They find the idea ‘cool’, but also a great relief after conventional counseling/therapy which requires them to answer questions about things they find embarrassing, feel overwhelmed by or simply don’t know the answers to.

Often they only come when parents are desperate and have ‘tried everything else’ – but this way of working is so effective (and enjoyable) that I wish I could see them sooner!

“Thanks so much for the sessions. They enabled me to embrace an inner sense of calm I haven’t previously ever felt! Was also just great to have someone to talk to about what I’m feeling.” (Gabby, A-level student)

They usually enjoy the scientific explanations I provide about what their brain has been doing to create the situation, and gain considerable confidence in learning ways they can take control and improve things.

Sandtray 1I use a unique integrative approach which combines creative techniques (drawing, games, modelling clay or figures in sand) with classic hypnotherapy, coaching and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).

Many teenagers’ issues are solved in just one or two sessions, while others with, for example, longer-term anxiety, will benefit from weekly or bi-weekly sessions for a few months.

I receive increasing numbers of enquiries about teenagers who are using self-harm, alcohol, food, drugs, sex  or social media addictions to harm themselves.  All are a coping mechanism for deep anxieties, low self-esteem or trauma. The sooner they get help, the better for their future.

“You took my frightened daughter, so terrified she couldn’t eat, and you helped give her the confidence to tackle her anxieties. She felt trapped, and you helped her a find a route through. I can’t thank you enough.” (Gillian, CEO)

I’ve developed a relaxed way of working with teenagers using a mix of hypnosis, creative therapy techniques, psycho-education (eg learning about the changes happening in the teenage brain) and NLP coaching. This creates a helpful balance of understanding, support, clearing old issues and self-management techniques, which allows them to restore their sense of control and deal with the underlying fears.

leaping manYou can read here the moving testimonial of a teenager with irrational fears that meant he was sleeping on a sibling’s floor instead of in his bedroom:

“I’m now sleeping on my own and enjoying it!”

Often fears and worries centre on exams, friendships, confidence, or body image, but may also include thumb-sucking, sports performance,  bed-wetting or phobias, eg of sickness, lifts or tube trains.

With anorexia, what I offer is of course in addition to specialist anorexia management from the NHS.  Anyone in active substance-addiction needs specialist support, but once they are in recovery I can help.

I’m happy to have a chat with your teenager on the phone or Facetime/Skype, so they can ask any questions and decide if they would like to see me.  Only after the first session do we mutually decide whether or not to continue, as choosing a therapist you feel comfortable with is key to successful outcomes.

Here’s what the mother of a talented sportsman (age 15) said after he came for help with confidence:

“Declan definitely approaches his competitions differently now and is much calmer, so all good.  Since then he’s become under 17s British Champion!”

Iris (age 14) came to see me for help focusing on school work, afterwards she sent me a this: –

“Thank you so much for the hypnotherapy session, I really enjoyed it.
I have been listening to my MP3 as much as possible because I find it really helpful.”

You can download a free MP3 for exam confidence and revision for teens from my Resources page

If you would like to discuss your teenager’s problem or find out more about hypnotherapy for children, please contact me.


"I can't believe how much I saw about myself and how much good it has done me"

"Thank you so much. I felt very safe, warm, held, welcomed, accepted, seen, and hence, relaxed and at ease - which for me is rare."

"What an awesome facilitator you are! Very skillfully held, and with the perfect amount of holding, intervention and heart."

"Wow! What a day yesterday was. So grateful for everything I experienced. I feel different. Much lighter than I have for a while. My daughter just asked why I looked so good!"

"I appreciated your gentle, open, accepting approach and your wealth of knowledge and insights. I will be back."

More info & dates for workshops