Problems with Anger?

Anger is a very common problem and plenty of people come to me for help dealing with anger.

Usually it’s having wide-spread effects on their lives – making them unhappy, increasing their stress and damaging relationships and effectiveness both at home and at work.

So what to do about anger? Well one remarkably simple way is to use the “fly on the wall” technique (or “third person” as its often called in NLP). This simply involves imagining that you’re watching the situation from a distance. It’s a really useful quick fix – try it!

Here’s a link to a neat piece about recent studies on anger using the “fly on the wall” technique.

NB this is a cognitive technique – ie you need to use your conscious, thinking mind to make it happen. Some people find this is all they need to reduce the heat – by using it repeatedly they gradually change the way they react and stop getting so angry. If that’s not you, then some hypnotherapy might well be useful to deal with the underlying causes of your anger.

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