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Books for Parents & Children

I often suggest books parents to read alongside therapy for themselves or their child. Here is a wide-ranging list of some good ones to get you started: Calmer, Easier, Happier Parenting – Noel Janis-Norton Playful Parenting – Lawrence Cohen How

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Writing can help you heal

  Recent research by Dr Elizabeth Broadbent of The University of Auckland has recently published fascinating research that shows writing about your feelings can speed up healing. In this randomized controlled trial, two groups of healthy people over 64 years

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Problems with Anger?

Anger is a very common problem and plenty of people come to me for help dealing with anger. Usually it’s having wide-spread effects on their lives – making them unhappy, increasing their stress and damaging relationships and effectiveness both at

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Low self esteem

I just received an testimonial from a client I’ve seen about 8 times over the past year.  When I get letters like this it makes me so happy to know I’ve helped people to help themselves… I went to see

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"I can't believe how much I saw about myself and how much good it has done me"

"Thank you so much. I felt very safe, warm, held, welcomed, accepted, seen, and hence, relaxed and at ease - which for me is rare."

"What an awesome facilitator you are! Very skillfully held, and with the perfect amount of holding, intervention and heart."

"Wow! What a day yesterday was. So grateful for everything I experienced. I feel different. Much lighter than I have for a while. My daughter just asked why I looked so good!"

"I appreciated your gentle, open, accepting approach and your wealth of knowledge and insights. I will be back."

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