Blog Archives

Trouble getting a child to sleep?

Do you have trouble getting your child to go to sleep? One of my former hypnotherapy teachers has published a book which sounds great . And the reviews on Amazon are pretty glowing. Please let me know your experiences if

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Gabor Mate on Stress & Relationships

I’m delighted to share this interview with Dr Gabor Mate about the effect of stress on relationships.  He speaks with great insight and clarity about how early attachment wounds affect our relationships throughout life, particularly with our partners and children.

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Your Gut Has A Brain Too

  Fantastic article from the New Scientist about our “Second Brain” The intelligence of our gut and its role in both emotional and physical health is really coming to the fore in science. Hypnotherapy has been standard treatment on the

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Animals in trance

  I couldn’t resist posting this wonderful video of various animals in a natural state of trance.  Enjoy!    

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Trauma and the body

Excellent talk by Dr Gabor Mate about how trauma affects physical health, why medicine should not be split between mind and body, and what we can do to heal. Dr Mate is a medical doctor whose best-selling books draw on

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Bernie Prior’s Cosmo Form

  I’m delighted that Bernie has made a video available to learn his short form, The Cosmo Form. I practice often and find a powerful centering, calming process. I hope you’ll try and enjoy it too.

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What Can Be Achieved In One Session?

  Quite often, a single session of hypnotherapy is all you need to solve the problem. In 2014, I received a call from a wonderful painter, Helen Latham. Like many creative people, she’d hit a patch of “artist’s block”, and

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Posted in artist's block, Blog, Hypnotherapy, performance anxiety

Take the Rest Test

The British public are being invited to share their experiences of rest as part of a national ‘Rest Test’, which launched on 3 November at 9pm on BBC Radio 4’s All in the Mind. The Rest Test is an online survey

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Medical Doctors & Hypnosis

The Royal Society of Medicine is holding an event this evening to draw the attention of doctors to the benefits of using hypnosis as an adjunct to medical treatment. Presented by doctors currently using hypnosis, as well as patients giving

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Posted in Blog, dental phobia, Hypnosis, insomnia, Pain relief

British Champion!

Declan is 16 and had been spotted as a British Olympic hopeful.  He was being trained by the best coaches in the land, but suddenly he’d started losing.  It was a big knock to his confidence, and this sport which

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Posted in Blog, Hypnotherapy, Sports Psychology, teenagers

"I can't believe how much I saw about myself and how much good it has done me"

"Thank you so much. I felt very safe, warm, held, welcomed, accepted, seen, and hence, relaxed and at ease - which for me is rare."

"What an awesome facilitator you are! Very skillfully held, and with the perfect amount of holding, intervention and heart."

"Wow! What a day yesterday was. So grateful for everything I experienced. I feel different. Much lighter than I have for a while. My daughter just asked why I looked so good!"

"I appreciated your gentle, open, accepting approach and your wealth of knowledge and insights. I will be back."

More info & dates for workshops