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Trouble getting a child to sleep?

Do you have trouble getting your child to go to sleep?

One of my former hypnotherapy teachers has published a book which sounds great .

And the reviews on Amazon are pretty glowing.

Please let me know your experiences if you try it, so I know whether or not to recommend it to others.

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Gabor Mate on Stress & Relationships

I’m delighted to share this interview with Dr Gabor Mate about the effect of stress on relationships.  He speaks with great insight and clarity about how early attachment wounds affect our relationships throughout life, particularly with our partners and children.


Hold On To Your Kids

Hold On To Your Kids

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Your Gut Has A Brain Too


Fantastic article from the New Scientist about our “Second Brain”

The intelligence of our gut and its role in both emotional and physical health is really coming to the fore in science.

Hypnotherapy has been standard treatment on the NHS for Irritable Bowel Syndrome for some years, demonstrating that we can be in communication with our gut to good effect.

For further reading I highly recommend Julia Enders’s wonderful book “Gut”.

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Animals in trance

I couldn’t resist posting this wonderful video of various animals in a natural state of trance. 


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Trauma and the body

Excellent talk by Dr Gabor Mate about how trauma affects physical health, why medicine should not be split between mind and body, and what we can do to heal.

Dr Mate is a medical doctor whose best-selling books draw on decades of clinical expertise across the fields of family medicine, palliative care and drug addiction.

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Bernie Prior’s Cosmo Form


I’m delighted that Bernie has made a video available to learn his short form, The Cosmo Form.

I practice often and find a powerful centering, calming process.

I hope you’ll try and enjoy it too.

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What Can Be Achieved In One Session?


Quite often, a single session of hypnotherapy is all you need to solve the problem.

In 2014, I received a call from a wonderful painter, Helen Latham.

Like many creative pHelen Latham Blue on Copper 2015eople, she’d hit a patch of “artist’s block”, and wanted to find out what was going on underneath to sort it out.

Just one session did the trick.  Afterwards I sent her a recording to use daily for a few weeks to reinforce the change, and she produced some beautiful work.

Then in early 2016 I received this email:-

“Towards the end of last year I was all for giving up painting, because I had no time to do things properly and felt the pressure.

Luckily I spent 2 weeks listening to your MP3 file every day instead – and started the new year with some new ideas for paintings – so a BIG thank you!!”

Helen Latham The Great Bear 2015The images here show some of her stunning work – currently part of a an exhibition at Cambridge University (until 1st April 2016).


More of Helen’s work and exhibition details can be found here:


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Posted in artist's block, Blog, Hypnotherapy, performance anxiety

Take the Rest Test

The British public are being invited to share their experiences of rest as part of a national ‘Rest Test’, which launched on 3 November at 9pm on BBC Radio 4’s All in the Mind.

The Rest Test is an online survey to investigate the nation’s resting habits and their attitudes towards relaxation and busyness. It is part of a wider collaboration between BBC Radio 4 and Wellcome Collection’s researchers in residence, Hubbub.

With thousands of people expected to take part, this will be the world’s largest ever survey into subjective experiences of rest.

It comes at a time when the topic of rest is at the forefront of many people’s minds. Interest in self-tracking tools such as Fitbits is soaring and wellbeing has become a matter of public policy with an all-party parliamentary group exploring the benefits of mindfulness. There is increasing scrutiny of working patterns, whether through Virgin’s new annual leave policy allowing staff to take as much holiday as they need or the move to a six hour working day by Swedish companies.

The results will increase understanding of people’s perceptions of rest and the way these relate to an individual’s work or daily habits, as well as their experiences of health, illness, disability, satisfaction with life and the tendency to mind wander.

The kinds of questions the survey will address include:

  • How does rest affect health and wellbeing?
  • How do people vary in what they experience as restful?
  • Does an individual’s personality, health history and caring responsibilities have an effect on how much rest they get or the kinds of activities they find restful?
  • How do attitudes to and experiences of rest vary between different countries in the world?

Members of the public are invited to contribute their experiences of seeking rest and explore how they compare with others. They will also be encouraged to discuss the topic online and to share images of themselves at rest around the world using the hashtag #RestTest.

Claudia Hammond, presenter of Radio 4’s All in the Mind and associate director of Hubbub, explains: “Rest is widely regarded as important to our wellbeing but there’s so much we don’t know about it. We vary a lot in how much time we have to spend resting and even what we consider it to be. Running might feel relaxing to one person, but exhausting to another. Sometimes we want to calm our minds, while at other times we focus on letting our bodies recover. The test will help us find out more about our relationships with rest and how it affects all our lives.”

The Rest Test has been designed by Hubbub, an international collective of social scientists, artists, humanities researchers, scientists, broadcasters, public engagement professionals and mental health experts, in residence at the Hub at Wellcome Collection in London, led by Durham University.

Simon Chaplin, Director of Culture and Society at the Wellcome Trust, said: “The Wellcome Trust supports a wide range of research exploring ideas around health and well-being. Projects such as the Rest Test provide a different perspective on what we mean when we talk about being mentally or physically well, and the impact that rest or busyness has on us as individuals.”

The questionnaire is split into two parts, with an initial section taking 5-10 minutes, followed by more in-depth questions which can be completed in stages.

The results will be analysed and announced on All in the Mind on BBC Radio 4 in April 2016.

The Rest Test can be taken on the BBC Radio 4 website and at

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Medical Doctors & Hypnosis

The Royal Society of Medicine is holding an event this evening to draw the attention of doctors to the benefits of using hypnosis as an adjunct to medical treatment.

Presented by doctors currently using hypnosis, as well as patients giving their case histories, it will help raise awareness of how much hypnosis can help.  Having used hypnosis personally prior to surgery, as well as professionally to help people with issues including dental phobia, night-time tooth-grinding, chronic insomnia, inability to swallow tablets and cancer-pain relief, I have plenty of case studies proving the effectiveness of hypnosis.

Here’s what the Royal Society of Medicine says:

Clinical hypnosis is a powerful tool which empowers patients to overcome often scary invasive medical procedures, challenging treatments or simply alleviate their fear and anxiety. Unfortunately, hypnosis is still under-utilised in clinical practice. In this meeting, patients who have used hypnosis in their medical or surgical treatment will share their experience. 

The Hypnosis & Psychosomatic Medicine Section would like to see more medical establishments adopting hypnosis and more patients utilising hypnosis as an adjunct to their treatment.

Attendees will hear personal experiences of patients who have used hypnosis for emotional regulation, as an adjunct in cancer care, for pregnancy  and childbirth, in invasive medical procedures,  preparation for surgery, as well as its use as a sole anaesthetic in orthopaedic surgery.

Patients’ accounts will be supported by their medical practitioner’s comments on the individual clinical case and presenting complaints.

For information on this event, contact Kiesha Lewis Tel: 02072903947 Fax: 02072902989 Email:

 In addition to the direct clinical benefits, hypnosis also enables patients to take an active part in their treatment, which in itself has huge proven benefits.

This meeting a welcome move on the part of the Royal Society which will benefit patients and doctors alike.

Posted in Blog, dental phobia, Hypnosis, insomnia, Pain relief

British Champion!

Declan is 16 and had been spotted as a British Olympic hopeful.  He was being trained by the best coaches in the land, but suddenly he’d started losing.  It was a big knock to his confidence, and this sport which he’d loved and been dedicated to – giving up most of the perks of being a teenager – had become stressful, a chore, and he was about to give up.

So he came to me a few months ago for hypnotherapy, feeling quite hopeless.  We did just one session and I gave him a personalised recording to keep using at home, and then I heard nothing…

Until last week, when  he phoned to say that thanks to listening to the MP3 every day, he’d become British Champion a few weeks after our session, and had since qualified for the World Championships in his age group – and in the age group above!

He was back to loving the sport, and bursting with pride about his achievements.  He told me other competitors had been asking who his new psychology coach was, but he wouldn’t tell – it seems he regards me as his secret weapon for the Olympics!

Posted in Blog, Hypnotherapy, Sports Psychology, teenagers

"I can't believe how much I saw about myself and how much good it has done me"

"Thank you so much. I felt very safe, warm, held, welcomed, accepted, seen, and hence, relaxed and at ease - which for me is rare."

"What an awesome facilitator you are! Very skillfully held, and with the perfect amount of holding, intervention and heart."

"Wow! What a day yesterday was. So grateful for everything I experienced. I feel different. Much lighter than I have for a while. My daughter just asked why I looked so good!"

"I appreciated your gentle, open, accepting approach and your wealth of knowledge and insights. I will be back."

More info & dates for workshops